Gas Chromatography in Upstream Oil & Gas - Types and Techniques

Gas Chromatography in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry

Gas chromatography (GC) is a technique used in analytical chemistry to separate and analyze components of a complex mixture of gases or volatile liquids.

Where Gas Chromatography is used:

Oil & Gas Industry:
  • Custody Transfer System
  • Gas quality for Process Efficiency/optimization
  • Laboratory for liquid hydrocarbon analysis 
  • Product quality specification 
  1. Environmental Monitoring:
  2. GC is used to analyze air and water samples for pollutants and contaminants.
  3. Pharmaceuticals:
  4. It is employed to test drug purity and analyze formulations.
  5. Food and Beverage Industry:
  6. GC is used for quality control, flavor analysis, and determining the composition of food products.
  7. Forensic Science:
  8. GC is used to analyze substances found at crime scenes.
  9. Chemical Research:
  10. It is a valuable tool in research laboratories for studying chemical reactions and synthesizing compounds.

Reason behind Requirement

Regulatory requirement - HCDP - gas quality 
Process optimization - De-butanizer/ethanizer separation etc
Laboratory for assessment and quality control applications 

Gas Chromatography in Upstream Oil & Gas - Typical types and Techniques

Chromatography Techniques 

Three widely used techniques are thermal conductivity detector, flame photometric detection, and flame ionization detection. These are shorty described as under: 
Types of Chromatography techniques used:

1. Thermal Conductivity Detection

In gas chromatography, we have a mixed sample gas that is separated and analyzed to determine the constituent of different gases in a mixed gas sample. This gas chromatograph identifies what gases are present in a sample.

Thermal Conductivity Detector detects the presence of different gases based on how well they conduct heat. Here's a simple breakdown:

Heat Conductivity: 

Different gases conduct heat differently. Some gases are good at conducting heat, while others are not so good.

How TCD Works: 

The TCD has a tiny wire or filament. When a mixture of gases passes over this wire, the gases around the wire either take away or add heat. This depends on how well each gas conducts heat.

Measuring Changes: 

The TCD measures these changes in heat conductivity. If a gas is good at conducting heat, it takes away some heat from the wire, and the TCD detects this change.

Output Signal: 

The TCD then produces a signal that tells us there's a particular gas in the mixture. Different gases create different signals, helping us identify and quantify each gas.

In simple terms, the Thermal Conductivity Detector in gas chromatography helps us figure out what gases are present in a sample by looking at how well they conduct heat. It's like a heat-sensing detective for gases.

2. Flame Photometric Detection

Flame photometric detection is a technique used in analytical chemistry to identify and measure the concentration of certain elements in a sample. Here's a simple explanation:


How Flame Photometric Detection Works:

 Sample Introduction: A small amount of the sample containing the elements of interest is introduced into the flame photometer.

Atomization: The sample is then aspirated into a flame, where it is vaporized and the elements are converted into individual atoms.

Excitation: The atoms in the flame are exposed to a source of intense heat, typically from a flame or a furnace. This heat excites the electrons in the atoms to higher energy levels.

Emission of Light: As the excited electrons return to their normal energy levels, they release energy in the form of light. Each element emits light at characteristic wavelengths.

Detection: A detector in the flame photometer measures the intensity of the emitted light at specific wavelengths for the elements of interest.

Quantification: The intensity of the emitted light is directly proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample. By measuring the emitted light, the instrument can determine the concentration of the elements being analyzed.

3. Flame Ionization Detection 

Flame Ionization Detection (FID) is a method used in analytical chemistry to detect and quantify the presence of organic compounds in a sample. 

How FID works:

Sample Introduction: 

A small amount of the sample, usually a gas or vapor containing organic compounds, is introduced into the FID instrument.

Ionization in Flame: 

The sample is mixed with a hydrogen-rich flame. In the flame, the organic molecules are broken down into ions (charged particles) and electrons.

Ion Collection: 

The ions generated in the flame are attracted to a collector electrode by an electric field. The electrons, being negatively charged, are also attracted to the collector.

Current Flow: As the ions and electrons reach the collector electrode, they create an electric current. The strength of this current is directly proportional to the concentration of organic compounds in the sample.

Signal Amplification: 

The electric current generated by the ions and electrons is amplified and converted into a signal that can be measured and analyzed.

Renowned Manufacturers

  • Daniel - Emerson Process Automation 
  • ABB
  • Perkin Elmer
Examples of a few models that are in the industry: 
  • Daniel GC570
  • Daniel GC700XA
  • Perkin Almer 

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