Ametek Moisture Analyzer - 3050 OLV Step by Step Verification Procedure


Ametek 3050OLV is an online moisture analyzer widely used in the oil and gas process industry for continuous monitoring of moisture content in the product. This device uses sampling probe from the process line as a sensing input which is then regulated through pressure regulators and allied sampling unit. The process stream is then fed into analyzer enclosure for determination of moisture content in the process stream. It is rugged in terms of maintenance and performance, delicate and ultra sensitive as it reads the concentration in PPM. The enclosure houses a dryer assembly, sensor assembly, SOVs, pressure, temperature sensors and electronics card for flow control. The heart of Moisture Analyzer is QCM - Quartz Crystal Microbalance-based detection. 

Verification of Moisture Analyzer 

As this moisture analyzer is online type and remains in continuous operation. It is important to ensure the functionality of this Ametek moisture analyzer. There is a feature available in this moisture analyzer that makes this verification possible. This verification is pretty simple and the live reading gets hold during this analysis. As you proceed for the verification cycle, moisture analyzer freezes the live reading that is being relayed further to Gas Chromatograph or DCS system. The duration for the verification process of this moisture analyzer is selectable from a front interface that is prompted as we proceed for the verification step. Normally, 15 15-minute duration is used for verification of the moisture analyzer installed on the fiscal metering skid in a gas processing facility. During this verification process; the moisture analyzer uses an inbuilt moisture generator. The moisture concentration of this moisture generator is a known value for example 37PPMV, 47PPMV, 50PPMV. The selection of a moisture generator is as per your application requirement i.e., concentration of moisture in the natural gas.  When the verification is started, the process fluid sample solenoid is closed and the sample is exposed through a moisture generator of known concentration; this moisture sample when passes through the sensors reads the concentration. If the reading matches with that of the moisture of the generator; the verification is successful otherwise you can repeat the verification. 

Acceptable Tolerance

The tolerance level for the difference in observed reading vis~a~vis the known concentration should be defined and agreed upon between the two parties in case of its application to the natural gas fiscal metering system. In one instance, the writer observed that the tolerance of (+-10%) of the moisture generator concentration was provided. 

Here we proceed for the verification procedure of the moisture analyzer:

Verification Procedure:

Verification of the moisture analyzer's working is carried out as per the following six steps: 

1. Save As Found Status

status monitor verifiation setup device communication general

2. Save As Found Monitor

Moisture concentration sensor frequency process pressure sample probe moisture span temperature duty

3. Save Monitor during Verification

Moisture concentration sensor frequency process pressure sample probe moisture span temperature duty

4. Save Monitor Final Verification

Moisture concentration sensor frequency process pressure sample probe moisture span temperature duty

5. Save As Left Status

status monitor verifiation setup device communication general

6. Save As Left Monitor

Moisture concentration sensor frequency process pressure sample probe moisture span temperature duty

General Maintenance:

Two types of maintenance is generally required for this unit which are: 

1. Dryer Replacement

The dryer must be replaced at a regular frequency to ensure the functionality of the moisture analyzer. 

2. Moisture Generator Replacement

The moisture generator must be replaced at a regular frequency. 

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  1. Nicely explained,👍

  2. detailed and step by step procedure - thank you
